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Dynamic Range using cells prior


I want to capture a range N cells tall PRIOR to my selected cell. I would have thought I could do something like

OFFSET(AnchorCell,0,0,-N,1) and that would reverse the direction of the range. Doesn't work.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
Are you using the OFFSET with something like SUM? If you just throw an array into a single cell, you'll get a #VALUE! error. Also, try putting the negative sign in the second field (OFFSET(Cell,-N,0,1,1)) That'll move you up two. Where you have it is trying to set a -2 cell range height.
So you'd have OFFSET(Cell,-1*(N-1),0,N,0) You'll also need to watch and be below row N-1 from the top. This is a range/array, so use it in a SUM or similar statement.

It is difficult to guess what you are looking for. Can you post a sample with some more detail what you are after / expected result etc?

So you'd have OFFSET(Cell,-1*(N-1),0,N,0) You'll also need to watch and be below row N-1 from the top. This is a range/array, so use it in a SUM or similar statement.

I think you can almost use Mike86's formula. Just change last 0 to 1.

Like this
=offset(cell, 1-n, 0, n, 1)
If you want to exclude the cell and grab previous n cells, then use
=offset(cell, -n, 0, n, 1)