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Dynamic Pivot Table Issue


New Member
I have watched the "Update Report Filters using simple macro – a Dynamic Pivot Chart Example," but it did not explain how to create the drop tables or how to make the drop tables coincide with the charts. I need to know how to make the charts change the titles like it does in the tutorial when you chose a different region. How do you apply the macros to make all of that happen? I have already sorted and filtered my pivot table to the different regions I need... I just need instruction on how to go one step further and make the pivot chart display the regions when you click whichever one you want to display.
Hi questell.

as I remember, it was simple macro, assigned to drop down list.

Looks like:

[pivot table report cell].Value=[drop down table result].Value

Better then explanation is to check on your own. Right click on unprotected drop down list and check "Assign macro" settings.