New Member
Hello , thanks for the help you have given me , even if I do not participate much in the Forum , I take many ideas from the forum.
Sorry, but the text is translated by google , do not know the English
Therefore, reference to :
Dynamic (Cascading ) Dropdowns That reset on change
Posted: February 13, 2014 12:00 AM PST
I do not know if it was already treated the subject but some considerations related to the "Validate " I was made to address the problem in a different way , this is my small contribution .
Even for the limits imposed by Validation, " Sequential Search " and " Limit 1000 records visible "
My method of research used a Waterfall " Combobox ActiveX " on the sheet for each field , and only one this list is an example:

This is the only list for selection:

As you can see only one column for Field Names with repeated until the change of the next field , we move to the VBA I used, forgive the limited , but it is very functional.
To add a new item just add it to the list , in the sequence of the fields.
I used the same system of inserting multiple rows , making the move Combobox on the selected cell.
By Sal
Sorry, but the text is translated by google , do not know the English
Therefore, reference to :
Dynamic (Cascading ) Dropdowns That reset on change
Posted: February 13, 2014 12:00 AM PST
I do not know if it was already treated the subject but some considerations related to the "Validate " I was made to address the problem in a different way , this is my small contribution .
Even for the limits imposed by Validation, " Sequential Search " and " Limit 1000 records visible "
My method of research used a Waterfall " Combobox ActiveX " on the sheet for each field , and only one this list is an example:

This is the only list for selection:

As you can see only one column for Field Names with repeated until the change of the next field , we move to the VBA I used, forgive the limited , but it is very functional.
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate ()
Dim x & , n & , v, col As Collection
Set col = New Collection
On Error Resume Next
n = Cells ( Rows.Count , 27) . End ( xlUp ) . Row
For x = 2 To n
col.Add Cells ( x , 27) . Value, CStr ( Cells ( x , 27) . Value)
Next x
n = col.Count
For Each v In with
ComboBox1.AddItem with ( v)
Next v
ComboBox1.Visible = False
ComboBox2.Visible = False
ComboBox3.Visible = False
ComboBox4.Visible = False
end Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange (ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect ( Target, [ f1 ] ) Is Nothing Then Clear
If Not Intersect ( Target, [ b3 ] ) Is Nothing Then ComboBox1.Visible = True
end Sub
Private Sub ComboBox1_Click ()
Dim x & , r & , & lng1 , nom $
with Me.ComboBox2
. Clear
r = Cells ( Rows.Count , 28) . End ( xlUp ) . Row
For lng1 = 2 To r
If Cells ( lng1 , 27) . Me.ComboBox1.Text Then Value =
nom = Cells ( lng1 , 28) . Value
If nom = Cells ( lng1 - 1 , 28) . Value Then Else . AddItem Cells ( lng1 , 28) . Value
end If
end With
ComboBox1.Visible = False
ComboBox2.Visible = True
end Sub
Private Sub ComboBox2_Click ()
Dim x & , r & , & lng1 , nom $
with Me.ComboBox3
. Clear
r = Cells ( Rows.Count , 29) . End ( xlUp ) . Row
For lng1 = 2 To r
If Cells ( lng1 , 27) . Me.ComboBox1.Text And Value = Cells ( lng1 , 28) . Me.ComboBox2.Text Then Value =
nom = Cells ( lng1 , 29) . Value
If nom = Cells ( lng1 - 1 , 29) . Value Then Else . AddItem Cells ( lng1 , 29) . Value
end If
end With
ComboBox2.Visible = False
ComboBox3.Visible = True
end Sub
Private Sub ComboBox3_Click ()
Dim x & , r & , & lng1 , nom $
with Me.ComboBox4
. Clear
r = Cells ( Rows.Count , 30) . End ( xlUp ) . Row
For lng1 = 2 To r
If Cells ( lng1 , 27) . Me.ComboBox1.Text And Value = Cells ( lng1 , 28) . Me.ComboBox2.Text And Value = Cells ( lng1 , 29) . Me.ComboBox3.Text Then Value =
nom = Cells ( lng1 , 30) . Value
If nom = Cells ( lng1 - 1 , 30) . Value Then Else . AddItem Cells ( lng1 , 30) . Value
end If
end With
ComboBox3.Visible = False
ComboBox4.Visible = True
end Sub
Private Sub ComboBox4_Click ()
ComboBox4.Visible = False
end Sub
This Macro Cleaning Fields
Sub Clear ()
Dim x & , n & , v, col As Collection
Range (" B3: E3 "). ClearContents
Set col = New Collection
On Error Resume Next
n = Cells ( Rows.Count , 27) . End ( xlUp ) . Row
For x = 2 To n
col.Add Cells ( x , 27) . Value, CStr ( Cells ( x , 27) . Value)
Next x
n = col.Count
For Each v In with
Foglio1.ComboBox1.AddItem with ( v)
Next v
Foglio1.ComboBox1.Visible = False
Foglio1.ComboBox2.Visible = False
Foglio1.ComboBox3.Visible = False
Foglio1.ComboBox4.Visible = False
end Sub
I used the same system of inserting multiple rows , making the move Combobox on the selected cell.
By Sal