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Dynamic Data Validation Lists


New Member

I am looking for some help to achieve the following with dynamic data validation lists (see sample attached).

The available column in the requests table should contain a unique list of staff who are available for the specified start and end time and are not currently busy. At present when a value is entered into this column the IsBusy column in the Staff Availability is updated, this should be used to reduce the lists for other requests.

As an example, to start with request ID 1 should list Mark and Jessica as being available. If I select Mark then request ID 2 should only list Jessica as being available. Is Mark was selected for request ID 2 first then request ID 1 should only list Jessica and vice versa.

Request ID 3 should list Mark, Jessica and Holly as being available and request ID 4 should have no listings because none of them are available for the full time 09:30 to 10:00.

Helper cells/tables can be used to make things easier. The sample worksheet will be create by VBA to start with and was thinking of creating initial lists for each request but I am still unsure how I would filter them depending on other selections.


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