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Dynamic column header value for a data table



Is there a way to access a table column range from a given cell value? Lets say that table1 is named "People" and one column header is "ene-15". I would be able to access that column range with "=People[ene-15]". How could I set a formula to access dynamically to that column based on other cell value? something like "=People[A9]"

You can find a test file attached

Thank you in advance,


  • Libro2.xlsx
    10.5 KB · Views: 5
Something like below.

=SUMIF(People[Person],"Peter",INDIRECT("People[" & A9 & "]"))

Note: Your column headers are stored as text. You'd need store "feb-15" as text in A9 (not as date format or custom mmm-yy format).