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Dynamic Chart with list box in Excel 2010


New Member

Years ago I created (with a lot of help from Andy Pope) a very cool dynamic chart that I was able to select the data series from a list box and my chart changes. I used named ranges with the Offset function.

I have tried and tried to duplicate and I am having no luck in the new Excel 2010. Is there a new easier way to execute this task that I am missing.

Any help or examples would be great.


Jon Peltier has an extensive set of articles on using/creating dynamic charts.

Yes I have used some of these as well but unfortunately I am not finding the type that I like. I am not so much interested in the data gowing and being "dynamic" as I am being able to select each "set of data" independent of one another.
About half way down the page were details on choosing which series of data you want, or even what type of chart to make. Can the techniques from one of these be adapted to your need?
Hi ,

Have you checked out these ?

1. http://peltiertech.com/WordPress/dynamic-chart-source-data/

2. http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/office/forum/office_2010-excel/dynamic-charts-in-excel-2010/abe03edd-653a-46e3-b66b-64da37a89a76

3. http://dmoffat.wordpress.com/2011/05/27/dynamic-range-names-and-charts-in-excel-2010-the-right-way/
