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Dynamic chart / Pivot Char


New Member

I have table with the following info:

* date (June-September)

* market (3)

* products (30 units)

* prime cost

* sale price.

I need dynamic chart so I can select product and see the following:

* Sales in only one market (bar chart)

* Prime cost of only above market (line chart)

* Sales prices of all three markets (line chart)

I have made chart with list box connected to it so I can select one product at a time with dynamic ranges, but I'm not happy with it.

I have tried using Pivot Chart, hiding unwanted lines/bars, but when I use slicer ugly things happen.

I would really appreciate your help.

P.S. at the moment I cannot upload my spreadsheet, but I hope to do it later.
Chandoo has written several articles about dynamic charts that should be able to give you ideas on what to make. Perhaps you could elaborate on what you don't like about your current chart? The quick outline of what you have sounds like you will have your raw data, and then some formulas that will use the product input to generate data for the 3 charts. You make things more dynamic by controlling more of the input variables (such as date range, cost limits, etc) but that is done via formulas.

Do you have an example you could point us to as an example maybe? Like I said at beginning, Chandoo site has several examples, created either by himself or submitted by other users that you might be able to use as a template to get started.