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Duplicate Rows returning the row number for each


New Member

As per the title I would like a formula to find and return each instance of a duplicate line's row number. Then a lookup function using the row number to take the information from one sheet to another.

Notes: There may be more than 2 lines of dupicate data,

The duplicate data will with in this range A5:A131,

Hope this makes sense, if you need any more information, let me know.
Hi, skelly90!

Tried using CF? Use this formula for A5 cell and copy format down thru A131:


Thanks, I have tried it, but it doesn't return the row number the dupicate(s) are on, could I combine the countif with an IF to return the row number if its true?
Generate list of row numbers with duplicates:


Confirm formula using Ctrl+Shift+Enter, then copy down as needed. To get the values in those rows, would just do:

Hi, skelly90!

You're right, that doesn't retrieve the duplicates row numbers, just lets you highlight/format the duplicates. Another approach than Luke M's might be using a helper column, say B, and type in B5 and copy down:

=SI(CONTAR.SI(A$5:A$131;A5)>1;FILA();"") -----> in english: =IF(COUNTIF(A$5:A$131,A5)>1,ROW(),"")

Thank you both for the answers, couldn't quite get Luke M's to work, but have saved it so I can try again once I have some free time.

Finally got a decent solution to make much easier for me to use the spreadsheet.

Much Appreciated

Hi, skelly!

Glad you could solved it. Thanks for your feedback and welcome back whenever needed or wanted.
