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Duplicate Check in a single Cell


New Member
Hi Excel Warriors,

I wanted to add a control measure which tells me a particular column has duplicate value or not. I know the formula for countif or countifs but they populate the value on the next column and I do not want that.

I am looking for a formula which I put in a cell A1 that tells me that column B has any duplicates or not. I do not want the values; just whether that column has duplicates or not.

Kind Regards,
Dankiawel Belleke,

Wat ik zoek is een formule niet noodzakelijk een macro die vertelt (mag in waar of onwaar zijn) elke kolom heeft dubbele invoer of niet. Om te verwijzen naar uw excel; als sheet1 kolom b duplicaten heeft, moet de formule in cel A1 gewoon retourneren dat deze duplicaten bevat. Ik ben niet op zoek om de waarden te identificeren die dubbel zijn.
An alternative solution.
Instead of using SUMPRODUCT for the array formula, I chose to use a Named Formula because that is the way I always program Excel. The formula 'isDuplicate' refers to

= COUNTIF(list,list) - 1

and contains an array showing the number of other copies for each term of the list. The terms are combined in the worksheet formula
= OR( IsDuplicate )
which may be nested within an IF to give
= IF( OR( IsDuplicate ), "Duplicates", "" )


  • duplicates (PB).xlsx
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