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Dropdown List Issue


New Member
I have a table "TblClass" in sheet "ClassSheet" and i need a formula to get data from "TblClass" to "BOQSheet" when i choose "DIV" in Dropdown list and "Class" from sheet "BOQSheet" it will get me the data from two criteria in anew Dropdown list for example: when i choose "DIV-01-02" and Class "A+" it will lookup in table "TblClass" for "Type" data and get the all "Type" data in anew Dropdown for each.

Using Formulas


  • All.BOQ.xlsx
    60.1 KB · Views: 8
Please review the attached file and see if it's working as expected. I made a small adjustment to the helper column formula in your "TblClass" table and redefined the names in Name Manager. The formula used as the data validation list source in the "Type" column on "BOQSheet" combines OFFSET with MATCH and COUNTIF to return the list of types that apply to the selected division and class. Please note, "TblClass" MUST be sorted by the helper column for this method to work properly, otherwise it could return an inaccurate list. This should be compatible with any version of Excel as far back as 2010.


  • All_BOQ.xlsx
    54.4 KB · Views: 0