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Drop Down Table


New Member
I have a 5-6 tables in one worksheet.

Is there anyway to make these drops downs? So that when I click the subheading the corresponding table just drops down. I know you can do with grouping, but was looking at much more user friendly way where you just click the sub heading.
here is the link the drop box: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/40338533/test.xlsx

If you notice, I have 3 tables under 'strength'. There is lot mor pages in each workbook. I just posted one. It would be lot user friendly, if people could click 'strength' and the 3 tables just drops down than scrolling down to see it. Makes sense?

There are a number of tools you can use, you could build a Table with Hyperlinks that will take you to the cell where the respective data is, you could use Group.

You could format your data into a Table and then use Advance Filter to get the data.

The easiest is the Hyperlink

