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Drop Down 2323


Hi All,

I have numberous drop down boxes contain a date e.g. JAN-12 or OCT-12 from Sheet1

or e.g Year 2011 or 2012

I would like to set these indivdually to this month. how is possaible via macros.

Input Range 'Sheet1!$A$1:$A$62

Cell Link $B$1
Sheets("Dashboard (Open Daily)").Select

Sheets("Dashboard (Open Daily)").DropDowns("Drop Down 2323").ListIndex = 365

Application.GoTo Range("a1")

'Set listindex to be month of today.

Sheets("Dashboard (Overview)").Select

Sheets("Dashboard (Overview)").DropDowns("Drop Down 1927").ListIndex = 24

listindex needs to be todays date dd/mm/yy or mmm-yy for example in apivot table i can use the following = Format(Now, "mmm-yy")