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Double Drop Down

i have three columns which include name of individuals in column A, then the name of companies(its multiple company) in which they worked in column B and in column C their roles, designation, DOJ and DOL.

I want to make a list that if i select individual ABC in column A then in drop down of column B i should get only the names of those companies in which ABC had worked and similarly in column C i should get only relevant info based on column A & B.
Hi Somesh ,

What you are looking for are dependent drop-downs or dependent data validation ; if you search in this forum using these words , you will get a lot of links ; one of them is here :


Can you check this out and see if it helps ?

Narayan's link should do the trick. I just did this in one of my files. Basically setup named ranges for each list. Then make a list of those named ranges. Create a index formula on the list. Then use indirect in the data validation formula window.