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divide 2 numbers based on a condition


Active Member
I need to divide 2 numbers based on a condition

A1 has June, B3:M3 has months, June, July, AUG....

There are numbers in B4:M4 & B5:M5.

I need to divide B5/B4, if the month is June in A1, if it is July in A1, it should c5/c4 & so on
Something like this?

=IF(B3=$A$1,B5/B4,"Not the right month")

EDIT: Ignore this, I misunderstood the question.
Hi Srinidhi ,

Try :



EDIT : Enter the above as an array formula ( using CTRL SHIFT ENTER ).

EDIT : Make it more general by using :


Now , A1 can have Jan or January , Sep or Sept or September ; the same goes for the range B3:M3.
Wow, I completely mis-read the original question. =(

I think a non-array version of Narayan's formula would be:


Could also do this, which is shorter to write:
