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Displaying two column items in one row


New Member

When you put two items in the column field of the pivot table, say “Customer #”, and “Customer Name” – by default it shows the Customer # in one row, and then the Customer Name in the next row. Is there a way to get them to display them in the same row?


Yes, but's it's a little tricky. You need to put both items into the Data area. This should group both items into a single "Data" item. Then move this item over to where you would put the column data, and it should display like you want.
When I put them in Values, they show up as numbers - I've chosen all the options: "Count, Sum, Min, Max...etc".

Customer Name is text, i.e. McDonald's, A&W, etc. And Customer # has a "C" in front of the number.

How do you get them to show as text?

I've done some googling but can't crack it...

The first lady of pivot tables at contextures.com says it can't be done. :(
Put both fields in Row labels.

Double click on the first header row, in Subtotals select None.

Still if its not working, please share screenshot of your file.
I figured out a workaround (I don't think we can post pictures in this forum?).

Say A1, A2 and A3 have the cust #, Name and City. I went to my source data table and made a helper column with this formula - =A1&" "&A2&","A3 - that worked like a charm.