' Initialize the collection of month names.
Set Months = New Collection
Months.Add "Fev", "Feb"
Months.Add "Abr", "Apr"
Months.Add "Mai", "May"
Months.Add "Ago", "Aug"
Months.Add "Set", "Sep"
Months.Add "Out", "Oct"
Months.Add "Dez", "Dec"
' Later on, translate the English month name to Portuguese.
If Not Exists(Months, EngMon, PorMon) then PorMon = EngMon
' modify in CalendarClass
Select Case CommandButtonEvents.Caption
Case "JAN": CurMonth = 1
Case "FEB", "FEV": CurMonth = 2
Case "MAR": CurMonth = 3
Case "APR", "ABR": CurMonth = 4
Case "MAY", "MAI": CurMonth = 5
Case "JUN": CurMonth = 6
Case "JUL": CurMonth = 7
Case "AUG", "AGO": CurMonth = 8
Case "SEP", "SET": CurMonth = 9
Case "OCT", "OUT": CurMonth = 10
Case "NOV": CurMonth = 11
Case "DEC", "DEZ": CurMonth = 12
End Select