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display data of one table in a another form in ms access 2007


Dear All

I am working on a project in ms access, but i didn't use access so much, i have little bit knowledge. i have created a form namely Drwg record, user will input the data in this table and the data will be updated in a table namely drwg record table. Now i have created another form namely RFQ table, but now i want insert a sub form in this form which can show drwg record details which i have explained earlier. So how can i do this please help me. Subform button is inactive, so i can't insert the form


Hi, vijay.vizzu!

Have you set the proper relations between the tables? If not, you'd not have access to subform.


PS: I haven't Access in this machine so I can't help you further as I don't remember exactly the steps required, but from the Relations icon you add the two tables, you define the linking fields, the type of dependency (I recommend updating and deleting in cascade), and not much more.
Good day vijay.vizzu, Hope this helps.....

Access like most software has it’s “conventions” re-naming, these have to the most part be adopted by the user community. These naming standards help you keep track of the database as it grows also when you come back to the database in a month or year or two you can easily understand. A form named “Drwg” does not tell you anything, and what does “RFQ table” mean you know it is a form, now, but what about the others who may work on the database?? and how does Access know how to file them??

tbl = table, gry = query, frm = form, frmsub = sub form, rpt = report and mcr= =macro

So you would save a table as “tbl_contacts” a “form as frm_contacts” a macro as “mcr_run_contacts” amd a report as rpt_my_report

This way Access will put the relevant tables, form, and reports in the correct place in the navigation pane. But more importantly you will tell at a glance what they mean

If you create your form and save as frm_my_form and then create the second form with the contents and all that you want then save as subfrm_my_form_second. You will see both in the nav pane.

Open frm_my_form in design mode, do some editing or tidying up to make room for the sub, then select sub_frm_my_form_second in nav and drag to the frm_my_form, so long as you have at least on field with the same nane in both frm and sub_frm then the link beteen the forms will be made.

You can do this from the ribbon but that’s another story.

But.............If you have spaces in anything in Access you will be taken out a dawn and shot
Hi, vijay.vizzu!

Would you like telling us us how did you go on with the issue of this topic?

And with these ones too, if you're willing to:


http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/similar-to-data-validaton-rule (not Access related, but Excel!)

Did you solve your issues or perhaps need further help?
