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Display a list of names [SOLVED]

Thanks but I cannot find the DVs you wrote. I put the ones we use in Database Demo in copied template 738. Seems we both agree that this is the best way to do these.




  • Nebu final worksheet.xlsx
    52.7 KB · Views: 7

Please find the attached. I have put the formulas in place and have added DVs (highlighted in yellow for one receipt), the DVs are across all the receipts(hopefully I have mapped it correctly otherwise you can give it a go it is fairly simple :)). I am not sure about the N/As at the top of the sheet , since it is coming from some other workbook. Other than that I guess you are good to go.

Enjoy :)



  • Nebu final worksheet.xlsx
    52.5 KB · Views: 5
Yes I am right to go now thanks. Almost.

One last thing. I am having great difficulty breaking the links. I have copied your template and MYOB table to a new workbook and it works perfectly. However when I copy it to my booking program it wants to link back to the file you sent. I deleted the links in my booking program, saved, closed, opened and then pasted your template into a new worksheet in my booking program but still it wants to link to your file.

I thought I would start from scratch and create a new worksheet in my booking program, paste in my original template and then type in the formulas. To do this I pasted your formulas into word then copied the first one into B7. Then I typed the formula into B8 using the wizard but I get an error with the table1. The cell is set to General then I tried Number.
I enclose a screen dump.

The MYOB table of course copies across successfully into my booking program and pulling the table down to drag the formula works like a charm.

Can you advise how I can get your template with its formulas into my template in my booking program without it linking back to your original file? Hopefully there is a copy/paste method rather than having to retype all the formulas




  • Nebu screen dump.xlsx
    192.7 KB · Views: 5

Try to copy paste special as formulas. The formulas will give you blank if the match is not found, in the screen shot you had given me D10 is the cell where you have unique ID which match with the MYOB table to pull the information.Also make sure that the table name in your new workbook is Table 1.

Whew! I got it working thanks to you Nebu. There was two problems. The table was named Table 1 in your file and somehow it auto renamed to Table 2 when I copied it across. I did not pick that up. I just checked the name in your file and it was OK so did not double check.
The paste special/formulas still picked up your file name even though I tried many ways to stop it. Once I had renamed the table to Table 1 I was able to get it to work by manually removing your file name from the formula.
This thread has taken a long while and I thank you for staying with me to help. For me it has been worth it as these formulas speed up our data entries and now we can check people's details (and any changes) instantly while they are on the phone. Also I can see other ways to use it in our business. It is very powerful.
This thread can be closed now
I very much appreciate your help
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Glad that you were able to solve it. I will Keep your offer in mind and visit your place once I have time. :)
