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Disabling the filter function


New Member
Dear Members,

I have created the file which had different name of process owners along with their targets. i dont want to create seperate files for all of them but at the same time i dont want them to see each others targets. When i send the file to the particular owner then he shouuld not be able to select the name of other owner to see the targets.

is there any way to do this



If you send a file which can be opened to someone, there is no way to stop them from seeing all the information that is contained within. The only secure method would be to copy/transfer the information out of your master and into a separate email/file and then send that out. There are several macros available for splitting workbooks into separate files if your decide to pursue that method.
Hi, saadferoze!

I agree with Luke M, once opened you've got full access.

There's only workaround, tricky, hard and obfuscated, but there is. It works only for constants (numbers, dates, times, texts) not for formulas, and it consists in encrypting each piece of information for each process owner with a cipher that only both he and you know and that shouldn't be stored within the workbook. If anyone that doesn't know the key wants to give a look at other process owner's data, he wont' be able to see nothing but non-sense text or scrambled data. It's not easy to implement, but it's possible. It'll all depends on your kind of data and its grade of sensitivity, and also requires a high grade of VBA.

Just fyi.

Chandoo has already fixed the problem:


I use this technique every day. It's a little slow if you have more than 10K rows and 8 splits, like I do, but it's smooth and awesome.

You can then add code to Email the file automatically.