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Difference between Macro & VBA


New Member
While giving my short introduction i thing knocked the doors of my mind. i.e. why VBA & Macros are categorised differently. whats the difference between among them.

Please help me out for this.
In simple terms, macro is a set of actions / steps that will be performed in sequence. Macro is not limited to a language.

The primary purpose of a Macro would be to automate repetitive task.

VBA is short form of Visual Basic for Applications. So VBA is one language which can be used in many applications (mainly MS Office applications) to write custom Macros.

You can record a macro in some cases which generates the VBA code in the background.
The term macro is not limited to VBA. The term macro can be used in cases other VBA as well e.g. Text Editors like Notepad++, Crimson Editor also have buttons to record multiple steps which you can "play" repeatedly to save you manual keystrokes.