Option Explicit
Private Sub cboProcess_Change()
With cboMatrix
.AddItem "Volume"
.AddItem "Timeliness"
.AddItem "Quality"
End With
End Sub
Private Sub cboWorkstream_Change()
Select Case cboLocation.Value & cboWorkstream.Value
Case Is = "Global" & "All Workstreams"
With cboProcess
.AddItem "All Processes"
.AddItem "e-Auction"
.AddItem "e-Sourcing"
.AddItem "PIR Creation"
.AddItem "PIR Update"
.AddItem "PO Creation"
.AddItem "Price Check"
.AddItem "LCM"
.AddItem "Supplier Delisting"
.AddItem "Supplier On-Boarding"
.AddItem "Vendor Creation"
.AddItem "Vendor Update"
.AddItem "Global"
.AddItem "Regional"
.AddItem "Country"
End With
Case Is = "Global" & "Sourcing"
With cboProcess
.AddItem "e-Auction"
.AddItem "e-Tender"
End With
Case Is = "Global" & "Transactional"
With cboProcess
.AddItem "PIR Creation"
.AddItem "PIR Update"
.AddItem "PO Creation"
.AddItem "Price Check"
.AddItem "LCM"
.AddItem "Supplier Delisting"
.AddItem "Supplier On-Boarding"
.AddItem "Vendor Creation"
.AddItem "Vendor Update"
End With
Case Is = "Global" & "Reporting"
With cboProcess
.AddItem "Global"
.AddItem "Regional"
.AddItem "Country"
End With
Case Is = "Bratislava" & "Sourcing"
With cboProcess
.AddItem "e-Auction"
.AddItem "e-Tender"
End With
Case Is = "Bratislava" & "Transactional"
With cboProcess
.AddItem "PIR Creation"
.AddItem "PIR Update"
.AddItem "PO Creation"
.AddItem "Price Check"
End With
Case Is = "Cairo" & "Sourcing"
With cboProcess
.AddItem "e-Auction"
.AddItem "e-Tender"
End With
Case Is = "Cairo" & "Transactional"
With cboProcess
.AddItem "PO Creation"
End With
Case Is = "Manila" & "Sourcing"
With cboProcess
.AddItem "e-Auction"
.AddItem "e-Tender"
End With
Case Is = "Manila" & "Transactional"
With cboProcess
.AddItem "LCM"
.AddItem "PIR Creation"
.AddItem "PIR Update"
.AddItem "PO Creation"
.AddItem "Supplier Delisting"
.AddItem "Supplier On-Boarding"
.AddItem "Vendor Creation"
.AddItem "Vendor Update"
End With
Case Is = "Manila" & "Reporting"
With cboProcess
.AddItem "Global"
.AddItem "Regional"
.AddItem "Country"
End With
Case Is = "Mexico" & "Sourcing"
With cboProcess
.AddItem "e-Auction"
.AddItem "e-Tender"
End With
Case Is = "Mexico" & "Transactional"
With cboProcess
.AddItem "PO Creation"
End With
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
With cboLocation
.AddItem "Global"
.AddItem "Bratislava"
.AddItem "Cairo"
.AddItem "Manila"
.AddItem "Mexico"
End With
End Sub
Private Sub cboLocation_Change()
Select Case cboLocation.Value
Case Is = "Global"
With cboWorkstream
.AddItem "All Workstreams"
.AddItem "Sourcing"
.AddItem "Transactional"
.AddItem "Reporting"
End With
Case Is = "Bratislava"
With cboWorkstream
.AddItem "Sourcing"
.AddItem "Transactional"
End With
Case Is = "Cairo"
With cboWorkstream
.AddItem "Transactional"
End With
Case Is = "Manila"
With cboWorkstream
.AddItem "Sourcing"
.AddItem "Transactional"
.AddItem "Reporting"
End With
Case Is = "Mexico"
With cboWorkstream
.AddItem "Sourcing"
.AddItem "Transactional"
End With
End Select
End Sub
Same principle. Using different set up utilizing Combobox.
See sample project I made a while back based on method detailed in the link. (Double click on Market, Brand, or Station and you will see combobox instead of data validation).
Station is dependent on Brand in this instance.