Excel Ninja
Good day
I have made a basic chart to take the daily readings of blood sugars, these readings are taken over a full week and then no readings for the next week and then the readings for the next week this will go on for a period of three months to get a truer picture of the insulin requirements.
With the help of Hui who guided me in the right direction re Sparkline's I now have a range of defined names to cover the data cells (not times).
What I am struggling with is how to copy this chart to other sheets, the sheets will be named by the date of week beginning. If I just do a straight forward copy I get the chart on to the next sheet but(and this is a big but)....I can not re-scope the defined names to the new work sheet if I do the original sheet looses it's Sparklines because the defined names no longer exist for that chart,.....There must be away to copy/paste and re-scope again without loosing the data for the previous sheet!!!. Or do I have to re-define the Sparklines on each sheet so that there is no conflict between defined names, the names I have used on the original sheet is each days name. All the help I can get will be most appreciated.
I have posted the chart here...
I have made a basic chart to take the daily readings of blood sugars, these readings are taken over a full week and then no readings for the next week and then the readings for the next week this will go on for a period of three months to get a truer picture of the insulin requirements.
With the help of Hui who guided me in the right direction re Sparkline's I now have a range of defined names to cover the data cells (not times).
What I am struggling with is how to copy this chart to other sheets, the sheets will be named by the date of week beginning. If I just do a straight forward copy I get the chart on to the next sheet but(and this is a big but)....I can not re-scope the defined names to the new work sheet if I do the original sheet looses it's Sparklines because the defined names no longer exist for that chart,.....There must be away to copy/paste and re-scope again without loosing the data for the previous sheet!!!. Or do I have to re-define the Sparklines on each sheet so that there is no conflict between defined names, the names I have used on the original sheet is each days name. All the help I can get will be most appreciated.
I have posted the chart here...