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Defined Names


Excel Ninja
Good day

I have made a basic chart to take the daily readings of blood sugars, these readings are taken over a full week and then no readings for the next week and then the readings for the next week this will go on for a period of three months to get a truer picture of the insulin requirements.

With the help of Hui who guided me in the right direction re Sparkline's I now have a range of defined names to cover the data cells (not times).

What I am struggling with is how to copy this chart to other sheets, the sheets will be named by the date of week beginning. If I just do a straight forward copy I get the chart on to the next sheet but(and this is a big but)....I can not re-scope the defined names to the new work sheet if I do the original sheet looses it's Sparklines because the defined names no longer exist for that chart,.....There must be away to copy/paste and re-scope again without loosing the data for the previous sheet!!!. Or do I have to re-define the Sparklines on each sheet so that there is no conflict between defined names, the names I have used on the original sheet is each days name. All the help I can get will be most appreciated.

I have posted the chart here...https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjSJrMR-QH5bdE5sVHBkTWdkcjdMekpyMXlvUTloZHc
Google does not save as should, this link should have full file, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/75495784/Insulin%20Readings.xlsx

Did as your suggestion,new sheet had the original tab name + 2, renamed the sheet to the next due date and checked the name manager and found that the named ranges had been update to the new tab name and removing the copied data had no detrimental input to the original.

Many thanks for your help, it will save me a lot of work. old saying..there is more than one way to skin a cat (the hard work is in catching the damn cat). Thanks again
Well I'm glad it worked! that is sweet! I kinda just guessed it would work. :)

Just make sure it stays correct. Glad I could help.
Hi, b(ut)ob(ut)hc!

But catching that damn cat shouldn't be difficult for an old dog fully new tricked!

