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Daylight Saving Issue in a Pivot Table from a data conection


New Member
Hi Everyone,

I don't know if anyone has experienced this but I can’t seem to find a workaround?

I am connecting to a SQL Database for my Pivot Table data in Excel.

Unfortunately the database ignores BST daylight savings.

So if I ask my Pivot Table to Filter Opened date by ‘Today’ (12am-11:59pm) it’s is in fact looking from 1:00am to 12:59am.

I’ve tried using a * in the cell format time zone but it won’t override the data.

Does has anyone know of a workaround

PS – I cannot upload an example due to my works policy and I cannot amend the SQL database time as other rely on it being set that way.
Hi, Sabian!

If the mountain doesn't come to Muhammad, well then Muhammad should go to the mountain.

Why don't you set your PC regional configuration settings to be synchronized with your SQL database server parameters?
