I have data having Cols [Revenue] and [Week#] , how should i calculate Week over week growth for all the weeks,
Weeks are in range 1-52
i was using : Calculate(Sum('Data'[Revenue]), 'Data'[Week] = 'Data'[Week]-1)
likewise i have data on Quarters number [-10 to 10] where 0 is curr qtr and -1 is prev qtr, also, fiscal month number also.
so the output table should be able to provide
Week# ,Rev, Week-Growth
1 ,23
2 ,34 ,48%
3 ,56 ,65%
4 ,67 ,20%
Pls help
I have data having Cols [Revenue] and [Week#] , how should i calculate Week over week growth for all the weeks,
Weeks are in range 1-52
i was using : Calculate(Sum('Data'[Revenue]), 'Data'[Week] = 'Data'[Week]-1)
likewise i have data on Quarters number [-10 to 10] where 0 is curr qtr and -1 is prev qtr, also, fiscal month number also.
so the output table should be able to provide
Week# ,Rev, Week-Growth
1 ,23
2 ,34 ,48%
3 ,56 ,65%
4 ,67 ,20%
Pls help
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