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I have a personal number 1004862345 here.Here 100486 is the date.

How can I show it as a date 10-04-86 ?

and how to get datevalue for the date? I dont want to change the datatype property standard or date or something.It has to happen through code.I tried it with datevalue(20-05-1982)-gives value error.

Please help.
Hi bee123..

* How can I show it as a date 10-04-86 ?


Change the DD-MMM-YYYY to your required format.

* I tried it with datevalue(20-05-1982)-gives value error.


Try to put the value in ("") Quote

* I dont want to change the datatype property standard or date or something.It has to happen through code

Hi, bee123!

It seems as if the numbers that include the date&time are in the format ddmmyyhhmm, so if your system setting date is in format mm/dd/yy you won't be able to directly use the DATEVALUE function with LEFT function. Instead of DATEVALUE use DATE and instead of LEFT use MID.

10-04-86 stands for April 10th or October 4th? No doubt that 20-05-1982 stands for May 20th. BTW, you have numbers with two year digits and four year digits? If so, you'll need and additional help column to indicate this.
