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Date subtraction

Hi Dawa

Your post lacks detail on a host of fronts. What answer are you getting? I get 424 days variance, which looks fine to me. However I have nothing to compare it to as you have not provided an answer.

You are not putting the minus sign in quotation marks are you? Anyway provide a number for what you get.

Take care

Hi dawa,

There appears no reasons it should give you wrong answer. Is it giving you some error?
Hi, dawa!

First a little explanation of how Excel handles dates. It handles dates as integer numbers from 0 for 31/12/1899 (or 1 for 01/01/1900), and as it allows to perform mathematical operations with them (=A1+15 for adding 15 days to date in cell A1)

So first of all, you if you considered that point, you'd be retrieving a -424 value which is the difference in days between the two dates. Which it's right.

If you still have issues, consider uploading a sample file (including manual examples of desired output if applicable), it'd be very useful for those who read this and might be able to help you. Thank you. Give a look at the green sticky posts at this forums main page for uploading guidelines.
