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Data Validation

i mean how restrict the date field mistake in any one the column

19.04.2012 this should be enter as date format 19-04-2012, 19/04/2012 or 19/04/12


how to restrict the vehicle Nos. in a cell like

OR10G/8731 IT MUST be ENTRY LIKE THIS OR 10 - G / 8731
The date field is easier. Data Validation - Data, Date after (choose date).

I'll have to think some more about the latter.
Not sure how much restriction you want for the latter, but here's a start.

Data Validation, Custom formula:

=AND(MID(A2,3,1)=" ",MID(A2,6,3)=" - ",MID(A2,10,3)=" / ")

Other possible things to add to the AND function would be checking for text/numbers at certain spots, but I'm not sure what all the "hard" rules are w/o more examples.



and i think the custom formula is not working did you try that formula which you was suggest for me
Hi, sgmpatnaik!

Would you please clarify your last post? Try elaborating it a bit more, and consider uploading a sample file so as to make people easier to help you.

Include details about what did you mean with "know more about date" and why did that custom formula didn't work for your vehicle numbers. It works for the only example you provided: 3rd char space, 6th-8th chars space dash space and 10th-12th chars space slash space. If that doesn't work for you, let's see your actual data.

Hi, sgmpatnaik!

Give a look at this file:


It has data validation for highlighted cells. Copy down as needed.

Ah Thank Q So Much sir exact what i am thinking

sir i need some help about vlookup and index

i mean suppose i maintain the stock receipt, stock dispatch then automatically stock book will be generate as like

Sheet1- Stock Receipt

CellA CellB CellC CellD CellE

Row 1 02.04.12 01 orl - / 1981 200 PPC

Row 2 02.04.12 02 orl - / 1982 300 ppc

Row 3 03.04.12 03 oss - / 1983 250 opc

Sheet2- Stock Dispatch

CellA CellB CellC CellD CellE

Row 1 02.04.12 01 orl - / 1981 200 PPC

Row 2 03.04.12 03 oss - / 1983 100 opc

Then Automatically Stock Book Generate in Sheet3

Sheet3- Stock Book For PPC

CellA CellB CellC CellD CellE CellF

Date O.B Receive Total Sales Balance

Row 1 02.04.12 500 500 200 300

Row 2 03.04.12 300 - 300 - 300

Sheet4- Stock Book For OPC

CellA CellB CellC CellD CellE CellF

Date O.B Receive Total Sales Balance

Row 1 03.04.12 250 250 100 150

Row 2 04.04.12 150 - 150 - 150

Is it possible to Maintain
Hi, sgmpatnaik!

I only understood that my previous post was what you were thinking on. First line. Line 2 readable too, but from line 3 to the end, I missed everything.

Can you please upload a sample file with examples, input, formulas and desired output? Include too usage procedures.

Here is the link for above question


please suggest me
Hi, sgmpatnaik!

I've seen your uploaded file and it seems to be more an incomplete specification's document to explain what I told you I didn't understand more than a sample file that you have build up to a point where you faced an issue and you were asking for an specific doubt here at this forums.

If what you need to build is a system that let's you manage Stock, Sales, etc., well I think that this isn't neither the adequate place nor the used form for such a requirement.

People here can help you with questions, formulas, small pieces of code, but as far as I know not about building a Stock&Sale(&Buy too maybe?) system in Excel. It would be a far different scenario if you arrived to a situation where you don't know how to implement a certain feature and you upload your developed workbook so as to might be able to guide you.

Consider elaborating your uploaded file to an extent where what you're asking for it's a question or a guideline but not a full consultant or programming service.

Hello Sir,

Kindly suggest me about the validation

i made some data validation in sheet1 per suppose

Ex for Date:

Data>validation>Allow>Date>Data>Between>Start Date>01-01-1900>End Date>31-12-2100

Then Ok

i did the validation for date field in sheet1 of cellA

and i copy the Date field from Sheet1 to Sheet2

when i did the filter option in sheet2 then it's displaying in the filter option as

Select All



But when i did in filter option in sheet1 it's displaying normally as like

Select All



Kindly suggest
Sir, Please check my work book and suggest me

as per your request i submit my file for your kind information


the problem between the date field in Stock Receipt and Receive Register

for your help i explain the below:

1. in Sheet2 press the Stock Receipt and Dispatch check the two Date fields are in there

2. in Sheet2 press the Receive Register here also two date fields are there which is Auto Copping from Stock Receipt and Dispatch to Receive Register
Hi, sgmpatnaik!

Do this:

a) In sheet 'Receive Register' eliminate data validation for columns B and D, as there is no input in those columns (data validation should take place where input occurs, not where inputted cells are referenced)

b) References to empty cells retrieves a 0 (zero) value, that's why you get 2012 and blank in input sheet and 2012 and 1900 (date 0 for 01/01/1900) in referenced sheet

c) If you want to have the same 2012 and blank replace formula for cell B5 in sheet 'Receive Register' from:

='Stock Receipt and Despatch'!B5)


=SI(ESBLANCO('Stock Receipt and Despatch'!B5);"";'Stock Receipt and Despatch'!B5) -----> in english: =IF(ISBLANK('Stock Receipt and Despatch'!B5),"",'Stock Receipt and Despatch'!B5)

d) copy B5 to B5:B1504 and D5:D1504

Ah Thank q So Much Sir

one more request how can i copy the data from Receive Register and Despatch Register

i mean from receiver register copy the Cell b, Cell G and Cell H and from Despatch Register Cell B, Cell J and Cell L to One sheet
Hi, sgmpatnaik!

I actually don't understand you at the first time. English is not my native language (it's spanish) so perhaps I'm not as flexible and permeable to some idioms as required.

If I read you in plain text, I should say "copy & paste when needed", but I guess that won't help you. So I suggest you to consider the following points when requesting for help:

a) specify what should be done, with what source data and to what target destiny

b) specify if it should be done with formulas, manually once, manually repeatedly, automatically, and in this case triggered by what conditions (Excel events, user actions, combination of cells, ...)

c) specify which interaction is expected from the user (wait for task completion, click on a button, run macro manually, perform checks at the end, ...)

d) provide an example starting from the existing data and entering manually the desired output

d) check carefully that all the information provided in your example is totally enough for understanding what you're asking for and for building the solution, even if the other person doesn't know anything but your post and your uploaded file: which in fact is the truth!

Otherwise, it's very difficult to use the time efficiently in order to accomplish your issues and try to help you, at least for me. We're having this kind of messages far more frequently than the average.
