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data validation

Dear Sir

I am trying to make a time sheet & leave tracker for 40 employees for the each month of the year. In which drop down ist for each employee is created for time sign in in office with other corresponding tabs whether he is on time, late, late but informed and similarly for leaves like planned, sick, unplanned. but when i prepare sheet and save it i find error that program you are trying to save in not compatible..blah blah. i am working on excel 1997. pls help
Welcome to the forums!

To clarify, is your question about how to setup the data validation (sounds like you're wanting some sort of lookup to determine if the time the employee signs in counts as "on time", "late", etc) or is the issue that XL is not saving correctly (not sure what all features XL 97 is unable to handle)?
Actually my major problem is that we have no excel and we are using dump and as soon as i made monthly detail it shows error that program is not compatible or so. How to overcome this problem?