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Data Validation to not show blank / empty cell

Ateeb Ali

Dear Sir
I want to apply data validation on cell : Sheet2!B5
Data Validation List: Sheet1!U3:U15

I want validation to show only those cells which have entries like if there are values in cell U3 & U4, it should show two values only
Hii @Ateeb Ali ,

pfa sheet.
helper column - Cell F5


Name manger - formula


rahul shewale

1] In "Sheet1 - Index no" R3, copied down :


2] In "Sheet1 - Selected" T3, copied down :


3] Delete all formulas in "Sheet1" Column U

4] Define Name >> Name : Stitch
>> Refer to: =OFFSET(Sheet1!$T$3,0,0,COUNTIF(Sheet1!$T:$T,"?*")-1,1)
>> OK

5] In "Sheet 2" B5 >> Data Validation >> Setting
>> Allow : List
>> Sources : =Stitch



  • Data validation(1).xlsb
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Dear Sir
Need your help in this file as well, I want data validation not to show blank cells
Cell I6: is where validation is showing
C5:C32 is data range from where validation is picking values

I have tried all via name manager and tried all formulas but its not happening, may be I am doing some mistake


  • Data Validation.xlsb
    25.2 KB · Views: 2