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Data validation list > multiple criteria


New Member
Hi experts -

Is it possible to display a data validation list based on multiple (2) criteria? Using the data below as an example, suppose I want to display a data validation list based on Part = 3 and Code = A. The resulting data validation list should be cat, dog, cow. Similarly, if Part = 4 and Code = C the resulting data validation list should be goat, fish.

A1: Part B1: Code C1: Description
A2: 3 B2: A C2: cat
A3: 3 B3: A C3: dog
A4: 3 B4: A C4: cow
A5: 3 B5: B C5: chicken
A6: 3 B5: B C6: lamb
A7: 4 B5: C C7: goat
A8: 4 B5: C C8: fish
A9: 6 B5: C C9: horse

I have found this easy enough if there is a single criteria but adding a second criteria has proven challenging.

Any help would be appreciated.
Azumi -

This works if the data is on the same page. I can't get this to work if the data is on two separate worksheets. For example, the Part = 3 and Code = A information is on one worksheet and the description is on another. I get an #N/A message. I'm using named ranges also. Any ideas?
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