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Data Validation Autocomplete


Hi all? ope u all good.

I need help with Validation autocomplete. i have tried the examples from contextures but to no avail.can anyone help.

Hi Narayan,

I have validated a list of items, but they are quite a lot, such that the user will have to scroll thru the list b4 pickin what he wants. I want a situation were if he typed say; Lon - it will suggest the most likely possibilities, say London,Long etc........ and then i select and enter. as i said i have gone thru using the double validation and all others. will need ur help.

Hi ,

You can have a Combobox , which is filled from a list ; initially the Combobox can be blank ; when you enter a letter , say D , the Combobox will display the first item that begins with D ,...

If the list is sorted , then items will be displayed in the sorted order.
