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data transpose

I have vast data which i want to transpose....is there any formula to make it easy?

In addition to Villalobos suggestion, you can use Paste Special-Transpose to achieve a similar result.
I *think* TRANSPOSE() is the better solution, however I found it not totally intuitive on first use. If the range values you want to transpose can vary, TRANSPOSE() is the best solution, as the Copy - Paste Special would need to be repeated in the event of a change in the range ....
In simplest terms, to transpose 2-dimensional arrays all that has to be done is to change the order of (row,column) to (column,row). Copy this formula to an empty worksheet, change Sheet1 to the name of the tab your data is on, then extend it to the right and down as far as is necessary to encapsulate your 2D array (farther if you want to automatically account for range changes on the original tab):
