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Data Table (What If Analysis)


Hi Chandoo Expert,
In using data tables, I just want to know if I can set up data tables for sports related information. I don't have an example, but maybe you can set something up for me. Just
kind of tired of looking at data tables in terms of sales and other stuff. Just thought I would check with you guys and see what your thoughts were on this. Thank you. Joe from Northville.
Hi Joe

It can be difficult trawling through the internet looking for something that appears not to exist. Most spreadsheets are finance related.

I am an NBA fan and set up a simple player dashboard

NBA Players

It is small but it is scalable. Let me know if you need anything else.

Hi Joe

It can be difficult trawling through the internet looking for something that appears not to exist. Most spreadsheets are finance related.

I am an NBA fan and set up a simple player dashboard

NBA Players

It is small but it is scalable. Let me know if you need anything else.

Thank you. That was cool.

Thanks so much. If I had known how much effort it would require at the start I never would have started the website project, it has taken a long time to pull together. But I am glad I did it now.

Take care
