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Data Segregation according to data type



I am trying to segregate data by only Unrecon item from Sheet 1 to Sheet 2.

The end result is given in sheet 2. Need VBA wheels to roll the cart. Thanks in advance.

See the attached file for reference.



  • Data Segregation_Sheet1 to Sheet 2.xlsx
    9.5 KB · Views: 3
Thanks!! Narayank991

Work like a charm!! It is good learning from my end as well.

Array formulas are really effective. It would be great if you explain the last formula in details if possible.

The formulas are indeed working very well for this project. However I am specifically looking for the VBA solution.

Reason, End User could be "average Joe" and hard get proper efficiency to put these array formulas in second sheet every time he/she downloading from Financial (ERP) System. Here, I mean to say, the data will be variable. I can create a single template for this solution, but want to avoid it.

I want to learn how we could evaluate this process with the help of VBA. I would create a separate Add-ins for this automation and make available for downloaded excel sheet.

Anyway, I dont know whether I am wasting Forum members time or not, but seriously looking forward to it.

Thanks again for your assistance.
