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Data Extraction - Word to Excel to separate cells


New Member
Hi all - I have a word document of addresses that I need to convert to excel and I'm running into roadblocks on how to get it done. Hoping someone here can help.

The word doc is formatted like this:

Dave C. Smith PhD, Consultant

804 Memorial Court

TownName, WI 54001 5130

PHONE: (555) 268-8495

FAX: (555) 268-4804

D. Charles Smith PhD, Consultant

808 Memorial Court

Apartment 23

TownName, MI 54001

PHONE: (555) 268-8495

FAX: (555) 268-4804

EMAIL: nomail@example.com

The formatting is fairly consistent, but not perfectly so. PHONE: etc are consistenly formatted, but sometimes omitted.

Looking for tips on a) Getting into Excel from Word so I can extract and b) getting data for First name, Last name, phone and email into separate cells. I have about 500 pages total of this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Hi Adam ,

The easiest way is to just copy the text from Word and paste into Excel ; the above sample data you have given will be pasted in 13 rows.

Now , you can either use formulae to separate each block of text , assuming that the maximum and minimum number of lines per person does not deviate by more than one line e.g. each person has either 6 or 7 lines.

If there is a greater deviation , then VBA will do the job. Is this acceptable ?
