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Dashboard with multiple scenarios


New Member

I was wondering if anyone had any tips as to how I could create a dashboard similar to the one in the link (in the Summary tab) in Excel.


Basically I want to display up to 4 different scenarios (the user can select whatever scenarios they want to see based on the parameters in the data)that can be easily compared in a summary table (and graph). I've put some dummy data in the Data tab to explain what I mean. Crucially, I need the user to be able to select multiple values for a particular field if they wish.

I know I can use pivot tables for this (like in the 'Group A Pivot' tab) but it's not ideal as the user won't able to compare the 4 data sets very easily. Also my real data has far more parameters than I've put in here so it'll be a bit of a mess!

If someone could give me some advice or point me in the direction of another post that covers this (I've had a look but I might have missed something) it would be most appreciated. I'm using Excel 2007.

Thanks in advance!