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Dashboard with KPI using Balanced Score Card


New Member
I viewed the dashboards from this website. They are really nice and I've incorporate some of their ideas. The challenge I'm having is that my Organization utilizes the balanced score card. Each Division has its own KPI. For the individual Division dashboards my supervisor wants to be able to click of a balanced score card measure (e.g. Finance) and see all the KPIs relating to finance (e.g. revenue and Expenditure to income ratio).

I then have to have a Corporate spreadsheet that summarizes everything from each Division. So for instance I'd have to sum all the revenue figures to get total revenue. In this dashboard she wants to view the Finance KPI for all the Divisions and the Corporation's total or average.

The Balanced score card KPIs are categorized under Customer, Finance, Learning and Growth and Internal Business.

Does anyone have a dashboard similar to what I want to accomplish? If not what ideas come to mind as to how I can accomplish this.
Hi Kamarlon,

May be you can share the dashboard view, or explain we detailed example as that we can understand the requirement.



It may be possible to use linked drop downs, the indirect function, and named ranges to pull this trick off. Describe the data in detail, how/where the data is entered, and how the KPIs are calculated.
Like Max says:

There's a lot of dashboard people around here. The big questions are:

-What is your source data look like and where does it come from?

-What elements do you want to include in the dashboard?
Thanks for the feedback. I'm currently revamping the file. I should be finished this week. It will give you a better understanding of what I'm working with. To address some of your questions. There is an input worksheetsheet where users go to to manually enter the data. The files are on a shared drive. When they enter the actual and target figures for the month, then they go to the dashboard worksheet to look at trends etc. Each division thus have their own file with their own KPIs. So in the first column is the month, followed by KPI1 Actual then KPI1 target, then KPI2 actual then KPI2 target etc.

So I am to have one big file that will then summarize performance across all these Divisions. There are like 12 Divisions, and like 10 KPI each (some have more). So I'm just thinking of linking the individual Division data to one file. But wouldnt this be a mighty lot of data, and much harder to analyse.

I was thinking of taking the actual divided by target and getting percentage of target completed for each KPI, weight it and sum it to get a final score for each Division. Then that is what I would carry over in the master file. So I would have to do this for every month.

So then within the master file my supervisor wants to be able to select Finance and see all the Finance KPI for all Divisions and see the overall score, then she may want to see KPI relating to Learning and growth for each Division.etc

I don't know guys. What you think? If I haven't explained well, I'll send the file later this week, so you can get a better understanding

Good ideal, pls try to keep posting. I like this topic very much and I will digged this one. Tks again.

If you want to get more materials that related to this topic, you can visit: Revenue KPIs

Best regards.