I viewed the dashboards from this website. They are really nice and I've incorporate some of their ideas. The challenge I'm having is that my Organization utilizes the balanced score card. Each Division has its own KPI. For the individual Division dashboards my supervisor wants to be able to click of a balanced score card measure (e.g. Finance) and see all the KPIs relating to finance (e.g. revenue and Expenditure to income ratio).
I then have to have a Corporate spreadsheet that summarizes everything from each Division. So for instance I'd have to sum all the revenue figures to get total revenue. In this dashboard she wants to view the Finance KPI for all the Divisions and the Corporation's total or average.
The Balanced score card KPIs are categorized under Customer, Finance, Learning and Growth and Internal Business.
Does anyone have a dashboard similar to what I want to accomplish? If not what ideas come to mind as to how I can accomplish this.
I then have to have a Corporate spreadsheet that summarizes everything from each Division. So for instance I'd have to sum all the revenue figures to get total revenue. In this dashboard she wants to view the Finance KPI for all the Divisions and the Corporation's total or average.
The Balanced score card KPIs are categorized under Customer, Finance, Learning and Growth and Internal Business.
Does anyone have a dashboard similar to what I want to accomplish? If not what ideas come to mind as to how I can accomplish this.