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Dashboard Template Refrences

Hi Experts,

However it is not directly a question to excel skills. Whenever we start thinking to make a dashboard, it is on you how to design and put the pieces to make a picture.

My thought is not to reinvent if things are available. so may i have reference blog/site/pictures where dashboard template can be referred to get an idea before i dive in the pool.

A neat arrangement of pieces (GUI) is the the only think which seek the attention of others.


These dashboards can be found in abundance on Chandoo.org, just Google them!!

Hi Kuldeep ,

I think more than just using templates which are readily available , you should expand your knowledge of dashboard design , incorporating principles from the masters. For this , a general reading of some of the better blogs will help. Here are a few links :

1. http://www.excelcharts.com/blog/excel-dashboards/

2. http://blog.xlcubed.com/tag/excel-dashboards/

3. http://pedrocgd.blogspot.in/2011/06/bi-book-excel-as-bi-front-end-tool.html

4. http://peltiertech.com/WordPress/dashboards/

Obviously I have not included Chandoo's name in this because you are already a member of this forum , and I cannot tell you anything new about Chandoo ; in case you want details about Chandoo , Peltier's blog refers to his dashboard pages.

Thanks NarayanK & Faseeh,

Definitely i would like to expand my knowledge of dashboard design. My intention is not to get ready to serve template as i am willing to make myself.

Thing i want to refer is some picture of interactive/attractive (GUI Only) dashboard to choose to move ahead.

I will hover on the link provided to check if i found something i want to decide the layout of my dashboard.
