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Dashboard Help - Capability to Drill Down


New Member
Hey All,

New user here! I'm looking to develop a dashboard that 'drills down' into different types of data.

For example, the user would be presented with the first screen that has 5 boxes, each representing some different vertical category. You click one of them, then the screen changes to show 5 more choices grouped in that vertical category. I'd like to go about 3 levels deep, then have locations for user inputs on comments and ratings of different product concepts

The overall goal here is to summarize all the new product concepts generated, have them ranked by different teams in different product groups, then have the best ideas filter to the top. My front page will have the projects that have passed through the required approval steps, and have the highest ratings.

I'm open to thoughts. Thanks! I apologize if this has been covered, I dug through the site with no luck
similar technique as in


Similar, but I was hoping for something a little cleaner. I wanted to have a series of buttons that open up new displays the user can click through, and the only way I can think of to do is to have custom macro's associated with the button click that lead to a new tab. This seems to be the hard, long, and clunky way to do it.

I was hoping someone had some good experience a clean, easy interface