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daily footage and to date footage on daily report


New Member
I have an Excel form that I need to fill out and submit daily. Basically lots of redundant information so I save as with different date each day.

In this form I input footages on multiple operations:

X+Y= "Total footage for today" z= Total footage to date". How do I get the "Total footage to date" to keep adding each day the form is created?
You need a user defined formula similar to the one in this link http://www.dailydoseofexcel.com/archives/2011/11/30/udf-for-cumulative-sum/
I should note that the best UDF I came across in that link is the one below:

Public Function UpDown(Change As Range) As Double

Application.Volatile True

Dim dOld As Double
Dim rSelection As Range

dOld = Val(Application.Caller.Text)
Set rSelection = Selection

On Error Resume Next
If IsError(CDbl(Change)) Then
UpDown = dOld
ElseIf rSelection.Address = Change.Address Then
UpDown = dOld + Change
UpDown = dOld
End If

End Function