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customised button names for pop up message box


Hi all,
Just wondering does Excel allow customised button names (apart from Yes, No, Cancel) or customised selection for pop up message box?
The reason why I ask is that I need a message box to pop up when the user click the submit button and ask ‘Is this report submitted by Team 1 or Team 2?’
So is there are way to rename the button to Team 1 or Team 2? Alternatively, I am happy if the user can select Team 1 and 2 via a drop down list from the message box.
Many thanks.
Hi ,

Since this is a requirement why not make it a part of the userform ?

All that is required is to have 2 Option Buttons , labelled Team 1 and Team 2 from which the user has to select before clicking the Submit button.

Thanks Narayan,
That is definitely an easier way to go, but I can foresee we will having more than 5 teams, so in that case more than 5 submit buttons would look rather messy.