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Creative with excel


Hi Y’all,

I’m a fresh father (5 months and counting YAAAY) so logically, my first thought is: How do I get my child started with excel asap!

So I figured I’d write a cool VBA script that makes stuff happen :)

Here’s the contest (no prizes other than the warm fuzzy feeling for bringing joy in a childs life … :D )

What would you create?

As a starter, here’s what I’m currently working on:

On the left side approx a number of cells (merged to be squares) in different colors. When you click in one, the color will be stored into a variable.

Middle + right side: a cartoon made up out of different shapes, when you click on those they will get colored in the previously selected color!

Excel Paint YEAH :D

Go nuts fella’s!
Good day MrBramme

You are trying to get a 5 month old child interested in Excel. 5 months. I think I would get them walking, taking and wiping their own backside before I showed them Excel

Hi, old dog!

If I were you I wouldn't go to Belgium, at least for a month, until beer reserves reach their normal levels... it seems as if certain guy had drained all them.

Good evening SirJB7 my friend

I am lucky enough to live just a few miles from a Carlsberg brewery :)


Good afternoon, my friend. Have I told lately that I love you?... No, that's from Van Morrison, please replace love by envy.


My friend I was not sure as to post this pic as I would not want to upset you,......but hey what the hell.......
