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Creating text search box to filter data


New Member

I am currently trying to create a searchable database. I have a list of equipment and there parameters, ex. temperature. Each piece of equipment can operate in a range. I have a minimum temperature and a maximum temperature. (I have a couple parameters, this is just an example)

I am creating this for a team that will need to search the document. They will be searching with a single temperature value, not a range. I am looking to filter the data then based on if this value falls in each piece of equipment's temperature range. Can anyone give me a suggestion of the best way to set this up in excel. I'm fairly new and cannot think of a user friendly way to do this.

Thank you!
Hi ExcelBeginner20 and welcome to the forum. It would help us answer your question if you could upload a sample file.

As RSidhu has pointed out, a PivotTable would certainly let you do this. And in Excel 2010 or later you also have something called Slicers that let you filter a PivotTable easily:


If you have Excel 2007 or later you can also simply turn your data into an Excel Table (using the Ctrl + T shortcut is my preferred way) which gives you access to quite a few filter options as shown in the screenshot below:


Furthermore, if you have Excel 2013 or later then you can also use Slicers to filter Tables (not just PivotTables), which gives users an easy way to select things.
