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Creating an inputbox for a vba scrip

Dear all,

I've written the following VBA text which allows me to send part of an excel file automatically by email:

Sub Send_Range()


ActiveWorkbook.EnvelopeVisible = True

With ActiveSheet.MailEnvelope

.Introduction = "Dit is een voorbeeldwerkblad."

.Item.To = "marc.van.der.peet@achmea.nl"

.Item.Subject = "Onderwerp"


End With

End Sub

Thing is now that ideally I want to create pop-up boxes where I can insert information (to change the variables)

So instead of copying the range A1:B5 I want to be able to insert the range myself. Same goes for the email adress I want to sent the copy to (so I want to enter manually the email adress in an email box).

Anybody suggestions on how I can achive this?

Dear regards,

I think you want to use the
InputBox object.

Example code:

[pre]Sub InputExample()
Dim xInput As String
xInput = InputBox("What to say?", "Hello", "Default answer")
MsgBox "You said: " & xInput
End Sub
Dear Luke,

Thanks for your reply.

I tried and it works with text fields. It does however not work when I want to copy a range. If I want to copy a range in an excel sheet and I want to sent this by mail i wanted to use the following code:

Sub Test1()


' Test1 Macro

' Macro recorded 30-7-2013 by Marc van der Peet

Dim xinput As Range

xinput = InputBox("Fill in your range")


ActiveWorkbook.EnvelopeVisible = True

With ActiveSheet.MailEnvelope

.Introduction = ("hallo")

.Item.To = ("marc.van.der.peet@achmea.nl")

.Item.Subject = "Onderwerp"


End With

End Sub

Does not work. I get an error in this line: xinput = InputBox("Fill in your range")

Any suggestions?

Dear regards,

Sorry, I did not understand the intent before. In the current setup, you appear to be wanting to give xInput as a string. In which case, change the Dim statement. The code will work as long as user gives a valid address.

Or, you can change the inputbox to be the kind where user can click on worksheet itself to select range. In which case, beginning of code becomes

Dim xInput As Range
Set xInput = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Please Select Range", _
Title:="Range Select", Type:=8)
ActiveWorkbook.EnvelopeVisible = True