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Creating a Weighted List


New Member
I am trying to figure out how to create a weighted list. Basically I have a list of users that complete a number of tasks. Based on the number they complete I want to award them 0, 1, or 3 entries into a drawing. So what I am trying to do is have excel create the list, weighted by their effort, and then choose a winner from that created list. I was trying using absolute values but just do not seem to be able to figure it out. Can you suggest a path forward?


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What are the criteria for getting 0,1,3 points for completing a number of tasks? Your data just has the starting level. Is it a difference from start to end? Need more information to get you going in the right direction.
On the random work sheet, the criteria is based on column (C) GE Part. If they get 64 in that column they get a 3, if they get between 48-63 they get a 1, and obviously under 48 they get a 0.
You could put this formula in Column I: =IF(C2>63,3,IF(C2>47,1,0))

copy it down for each row and you would have your numbers. I'm not sure if that is what you are looking for or not.
That formula works great, thank you. What I wanted to do though is build a list using that factor, and then pick a random number from it. For instance if the result is 3 then they would have their key number added 3 times. Is that even possible in excel