Pete Mccann
Each month we need to prepare project charts created from data in MS Project Plans of Work (POWs). We have a method of doing this but it involves lots of excel formulae and chart manipulation. The MS Project POWs track Installation activities. All the POW tasks run consecutively and there are no overlaps (i.e. one task finishes before the next task can start). The attached Word document summarizes the situation and the question; the Excel worksheet shows how we do it today.
We are looking for an easier / simpler way to create the chart (maybe combine formulae, Pivot Tables etc?). One complication is that the timeline for the two POWs (X and (X-1)) are different.
We are looking for an easier / simpler way to create the chart (maybe combine formulae, Pivot Tables etc?). One complication is that the timeline for the two POWs (X and (X-1)) are different.