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Creating a Combination of a Line and Waterfall Chart


New Member
Good afternoon,

I'm trying to create a chart in Excel 2003 (I have Excel 2007 on my computer, but our shared company server uses 2003) and I'm hoping you can help. I've seen this chart in a presentation and have a PDF copy of the chart, but I'm unsure how to show you an example so I'll try to describe it as best I can.

This chart was labelled as a "Business Unit Range Success Rate Report". On the x-axis we have the months Jan - Dec and on the y-axis we have underlying sales growth for the business unit in question.

There are three distinct pieces to this chart. The first is the forecasted range that we anticipate the sales growth to fall into for that specific month. This is represented by a bar that will span a few percentage points each month (eg. Historically we can expect February year over year sales growth of between 3-6% while in November we can expect year over year sales growth of 0.5-1.5%). This first piece would look like a waterfall chart.

The second aspect of the chart would be to place a forecast point (somewhere within the range bar that we've created above) that would represent the business target for each month.

The third aspect would then be to overlay the actuals in a line graph on top of the chart we've created to hopefully ensure the actual results are falling into our anticipated range.

Again, it would be easier if I could attach a snapshot pulled from the PDF file, but hopefully this description will suffice.

Thank you so much for your time and I welcome any and all suggestions. I'm very new here, but always interested in learning about new and dynamic ways of using Excel.
For step 1, it sounds like a typical waterfall chart (or column chart, some variation..). If you need help there, see:


Steps 2 and 3 are similar, real difference is whether there is a connecting line. To do these, you should be able to add additional series (using same category labels from Step 1). When you add them to chart, the chart will make them columns (bad). To correct, select the series, then go to Chart Type - Line. Format as desired. Repeat for actuals series.

Not to be presumptuous, as it's your chart, but you might also want to look at:


Let's you quickly see target range and how you are doing. You can change the orientation to vertical, but the idea might be a nice alternative?