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Creating a Chart with Multiple Data Series


New Member
I have a chart that I would like to create with categories, dates, and multiple metrics. How do i best setup the data so that I can easily create charts to show each category as a series with the x-axis being the date and the values will be based on the various metrics (i will make these drop down selections)

Functionally, this is very easy to do with a pivot chart, what I need to do is create this without a pivot chart as I will be using a tool to load the data sheet and the chart will need to use named ranges to read the data sheet. Please see the sample chart for what I am trying to accomplish.

The key question is how to setup the data to read the dates, read the category, and create the series and labels accordingly.

Hi, electricmice!

Does this help?


SirJb7, That is the method I will be using to make sure I have an appropriate date range, the tricky part I need help with is that I have both a Date and a multiple categories, then a value (such as sales). So, I want multiple lines (series) on the single graph.
Hi, electricmice!

Check Faseeh's uploaded file in this topic:


Thanks! That should work, Now I just need to make the date a named range (like the dynamic chart series guide) as well as a named range on something like the medium column and I should have what I need.
Hi, electricmice!

Glad you find out how to solve it. Just advise if any issue and welcome back whenever needed or wanted.
