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Create workbooks based on given names in Ranges


New Member

I want to create new workbooks based on given names in cell A2 to A21.

And in the newly created workbook on sheet1 in C5 should paste the stud no that i have mentioned in the attached workbook.

Like stud no, stud name should paste in C6.

Can you please help me to automate this work.

Here is the file: http://www.2shared.com/file/A_ckRFx6/sample.html

Thanks for your help in advance.


Hi Michael ,

Your post has coincided with the weekend ; please have some patience ; you may get replies today.

Hi Michael,

I guess StudName is UserName..

Can you please check the below file..



Sub Michael_Create_workbooks()
Dim NoOfFiles As Long, source As Worksheet
Set source = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
For i = 2 To [A65536].End(xlUp).Row
Workbooks.Add (1)
ActiveSheet.[C5] = source.Range("C" & i)
ActiveSheet.[C6] = source.Range("B" & i)
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs ThisWorkbook.Path & "" & source.Range("A" & i) & ".xls", xlWorkbookNormal
ActiveWorkbook.Close True
Next i
MsgBox "All Files has been created in the same folder"
End Sub


Hi Deb,

How! Great! I didn't have had seen like Chandoo.org. It save my time a lot. Thanks for your effort for me Deb.

And Can I select the save location of newly creating workbooks?

Could you please add the below activity with that.

It should copy the student mark details and paste it in the newly created workbook.


1. Newly created workbook "File1"(A2 in existing file).

2. Student no. is "1" (C2 in existing file).

3. It should copy the header and mark details with all formats related to student no. "1" and paste it in workbook "File1".

4. Below the mark details it should paste the comment mentioned in "E23" in existing workbook and save it.

Here is the sample workbook.


If you have any questions please let me know.

Thank you,
