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Create custom groups in a pivot table



I am analyzing a large list of help desk tickets. One of the things I am looking at is number of days it takes to resolve each issue. I'd like to do a pivot table to show how many issues were resolved in 1-2 days how many in 3-5, 5-10 etc. Can I do this within the PT itself or do I need to add some helper columns/tables to get there?

Thanks in advance,

alas, we meet again!!


my first thought would be a helper column so that you can indentify each ticket as a 1-2, 3-4, etc time frame.

If you're wanting a column on the chart to indicate for example that there were 20 tickers in the 1-2 group, 13 tickets in the 3-4, etc... Im thinking you'll need to give each tickect a value of 1 in the particular field... meaning you'll add a column/field for each group/timeframe. then you can create a nested IF function to return a 1 in the correct column.

then on the pivot table, for every ticket that was open for 1-2 days, there should be a 1 in that column (...and so on for the other tickets). on the pivotchart you'll then be able to view the sum of these "1's" .

that make sense?!?!

or you may be able to put in some type of formula in the pivot table itself.... but i'd def need to see a sample to play with it.